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Lawyer specialised in
sexual criminal law

Are you accused of a sexual offence? Do not hesitate in contacting an attorney  specialised in sexual criminal law immediately.

Unbiased defence in sexual criminal law

As a  attorney specialised in sexual criminal law, I defend you, my client, against the accusation of a sexual offence without prejudice and without reservations, regardless of whether the allegations made against you are true or not.

Hardly any other criminal accusation results in a wrongful conviction so often. This makes competent and committed criminal defence by a lawyer for sexual criminal law all the more important.

Acting in the interests of my clients

Despite the presumption of innocence, the public prosecutor’s office and the police take full force against the alleged offender in sexual offence cases. This is often followed by drastic measures such as house searches or even arrests. This is why you should hire an attorney specialised in sexual criminal law  to fight for your rights.

I am 100% committed to the interests of my clients. I do not shy away from confrontation where necessary. Depending on the defence objective and the interests of my clients, I either assert myself firmly and relentlessly or try to negotiate with a view to reaching an agreement.

Goal – rapid conclusion
of proceedings

My primary goal in the defence of cases relating to sexual criminal law, is to bring the proceedings to an end as quickly and discreetly as possible. At best, I can achieve this without a public trial. After all, there is hardly any other criminal charge that can ruin a person’s reputation so quickly and in the long term. The possible consequences of criminal proceedings are note only of a legal nature, but can have private and professional implications. I will do my best to prevent you from suffering such consequences!

There is great public interest in offences in the highly emotionalised area of sexual criminal law. Sexual Offences are often seen as particularly reprehensible within society. The media and the public react with great indignation. This is another reason why a good sexual offences lawyer will always try to avoid a public trial.

Successful work as a sexual offences lawyer requires:

  • In-depth knowledge in the field of sexual criminal law and the psychology of giving evidence
  • A special degree of sensitivity in dealing with authorities and witnesses
  • Many years of experience as a sexual offences lawyer, especially with regard to questioning witnesses
  • Immediate and proactive action in the interests of the client

Be reassured that as a lawyer specialised in sexual criminal law, I have in-depth knowledge and many years of experience. I always defend my clients personally, with commitment, relentlessly and effectively – in Berlin and nationwide. I leave nothing to chance, but act proactively to stay one step ahead of the investigating authorities.

Expert in cases where it is “one person‘s word against another‘s”

A particular challenge in the defence against a sexual offence lies typically in the starting position of “one person‘s word against another‘s”. The witness confirms the accusation by his/her statement. The accused denies the truth of the statement or presents an alternative description of the facts. As the alleged incident is said to have taken place between onlythese two people – the accused and the presumed victim – and there are often no other suitable (eye- or ear-) witnesses (e.g. insult, physical injury, coercion, etc.) – the decision in whose favour the contradictory statements are to be evaluated is not an easy matter. Especially as the alleged victim is often given a certain advantage of trust. As a result, the alleged victim is “blindly” believed, while the accused is pilloried.

It is often overlooked that an alleged victim could have a motive for making a false accusation, for example out of revenge, wounded pride or a dispute over custody. Unconscious false accusations must also be taken into consideration – due to mental illness or a misunderstood situation.

The assessment of the credibility of witnesses and the credibility of their statements are areas I am familiar. I see it as my task as a defence lawyer specialised in sexual crimes to recognise and uncover false accusations. Thanks to many years of experience and in-depth knowledge, I regularly succeed in invalidating the credibility of the alleged victim on the basis of psychological testimony and subsequently proving the innocence of my clients.

Sexual offences lawyer – on the trail of false accusations as a human lie detector

Trust your lawyer

I am aware that allegations in the field of sexual offences law can involve the most intimate details from my clients. However, you should have no qualms about confiding in me. As a lawyer, I am bound to absolute confidentiality. I treat all my clients professionally and with respect. Therefore, no concern or issue need to make you feel uncomfortable.

Offences in sexual criminal law

The range of possible charges  extends from sexual assault, possession of child pornography and child pornography to rape and other offences under sexual criminal law.
  • Sexual abuse, Sections 174 ff. German Criminal Code (StGB)
  • Sexual assault, sexual coercion or rape, Sections 177 ff. German Criminal Code (StGB)
  • Youth or child pornography, Sections 184b, 184c German Criminal Code (StGB)
  • Arousal of public nuisance, Section 183a German Criminal Code (StGB)
  • Acts of exhibitionism, Section 183 German Criminal Code (StGB)
  • Pimping, Section 181a German Criminal Code (StGB)
  • Forced prostitution, Section 232a German Criminal Code (StGB)

Overhwelmed by choice – which criminal sexual offences lawyer to choose?

Wondering how to find the best criminal lawyer specialised in defence against a sexual offence? Although I do not want to claim that I am the best lawyer specialised in sexual criminal law, I can assure you that I will only accept a client if I am convinced that I can provide the best work as a criminal defence lawyer based on my experience and expertise.

Defence by a female lawyer for sexual criminal law

When choosing your lawyer, you should also bear in mind that it can be a great advantage to be defended by a woman in sexual criminal law. Female lawyers generally find it easier to ask intimate questions of witnesses, who are often women, or even children. Even if vigorous questioning of the witnesses is necessary, a female lawyer has better access to the witnesses and can therefore achieve better results.

Sandra Korzenski

Specialist lawyer for criminal law

Rechtsanwältin Sandra Korzenski Fachanwältin für Strafrecht und Dozentin

Lawyer for criminal law • Criminal Defense Lawyer • Specialist lawyer for criminal law

Sandra Korzenski
Lawyer & Lecturer
Specialist lawyer for criminal law

Nürnberger Straße 16
10789 Berlin
(at KaDeWe)